Arthrex AR-1640 TRIMANO Support Arm with AR-1641 TRIMANO Adapters in a Case
You are looking at: Arthrex AR-1640 TRIMANO Support Arm with TWO Arthrex AR-1641 TRIMANO Adapters in a Case. All items are in very good and fully functional condition.
What's Included in this lot:
1X - Carry / Storage case
1X - Arthrex Ref: AR-1640 TRIMANO Support Arm
2X - Arthrex Ref: AR-1641 TRIMANO Adapter for AR-1640 Support Arm
Product description:
The TRIMANO FORTIS support arm acts as an additional surgical assistant by securely and safely holding the patient’s arm in any desired position during arthroscopic or open shoulder surgery performed in the beach chair position. The compact and lightweight device is easily attached to any OR table Clark Rail and is ready for immediate use. No additional power or air connections are required. The patient’s arm can be moved in any direction by simply pressing the handle. Releasing the handle locks it into the desired position.